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                Jining to build urban energy-saving lighting project twenty thousand street lamp will upgrade
                News Source:Internet   Date:2014/7/18 10:49:42   Hit:1785

                Recently, Shandong Jining District three major roads in Jianshe Road, Guang he Lu,Pipa Road on both sides of street has all replaced by energy-saving lamps LED material, and the height is not a unified high lamp post. According to Reed, the Jining Municipal Engineering Office of the relevant responsible person said, the newly installed streetlights longer service life, in energy saving and can also improve theillumination and irradiation uniformity. According to the relevant departments ofplanning, urban existing more than 2 streetlights, will be in 5 years to replace all thematerial for the LED street lamp, not only can enhance the comprehensiveconstruction of the city's image, but also in response to the national requirement forcity infrastructure construction.

                The city of three main roads have been replaced with LED material Street

                Pipa road as one of the north and south trunk road across Jining, South to NorthTaibai building to the north outer ring, via the new Century Square, Baihua Park,cultural market, RT Mart supermarket, Second People's Hospital as well as some government office building, which belongs to the section of entertainment, the relative concentration of the municipal office, shopping etc.. Jianshe Road is one of the main road north and south across Jining, South to the train station and the extension is connected with the 327 and 105 National Road, north to the north ring extends tohighway 337, passing through Jining coach station, North and South experimental school, labor market.

                "Pipa mountain wide, which belongs to the road traffic flow is large, need to be bothbeautiful and bright street lamps for lighting. Jianshe Road belongs to the relativecentralized station school shopping, labor market and other roads, road is wide, which belongs to the road traffic, traffic flow bigger, brighter lights need to lighting." City twenty thousand street lamp within five years all replaced with LED lights

                According to the plan, Jining will in the Taibai building road is upgraded, the relevant departments have also been launched road surveying, planning construction work. In the process of transforming the road, Taibai building road on both sides of the streethas become the focus of the project, the current transformation, street vendors alsoputs forward several proposals, the relevant departments are examined, although the final plan has not been determined, but Cai Hao said, Taibai building new road willavoid the branches and leaves of trees shading the serious problem, in addition, asthe road is wide, relatively large traffic flow of road, new street floor Taibai Road will achieve both beautiful and bright effect.

                Torch South extension road will also install new street this year, "the biggest problem is the torch Road section by west of high-voltage lines, near 20 street lamptemporarily can not be installed."

                Torch South extension road will also install new street this year, "the biggest problem is the torch Road section by west of high-voltage lines, near 20 street lamptemporarily can not be installed." Cai Hao told the reporters, street lamp installation process to with the existing cable, high-voltage line to avoid cross, or not in the construction process to ensure the safe distance, will cause great harm to the staff,need to communicate, and electric power sector consultations with feasible scheme.

                According to introduction, Torch Road extension sections will be installed 310 sets ofLED lights, each worth about 16000 yuan, in addition to the installation of transformer,laying of power line and other facilities. In addition, West outer ring and line linking the airport nearly 20 km road will be built more than 1000 sets of lamps. In addition, West outer ring and line linking the airport nearly 20 km road will be built more than 1000 sets of lamps.

                According to the Jining City, at present more than 2 streetlights will strive to complete the upgrade in 5 years, replaced by new LED lights, so, in improve lamp irradiationeffect at the same time, but also can greatly save energy, enhance the city'scomprehensive construction image. The new LED material good long life energy saving lamp

                Jining city building departments in the city key construction projects in the cityconstruction task, one of the focal points of work on the optimization of highway network, the implementation of upgrading the city infrastructure, support LED street lighting installation in order to achieve high efficiency and energy saving, saving,green environmental protection and emission reduction effect, not only to enhance the comprehensive construction of the image of the city, and the positive responsethe national requirement for city infrastructure construction.

                Jining city building departments in the city key construction projects in the cityconstruction task, one of the focal points of work on the optimization of highway network, the implementation of upgrading the city infrastructure, support LED street lighting installation in order to achieve high efficiency and energy saving, saving,green environmental protection and emission reduction effect, not only to enhance the comprehensive construction of the image of the city, and the positive responsethe national requirement for city infrastructure construction.

                Reportedly, Jining old urban street mostly for high pressure sodium lamp, although also has the advantages of high luminous efficiency, less power consumption, long service life, through fog and strong and not lure insects, but rather than thereplacement of the new material of LED street lamp is inferior to many. "Model Streetlonger service life than high pressure sodium lamp, more energy saving and can improve the illumination, new street light irradiation is more uniform." Cai Hao said,urban pole height of about 12 meters, lamp spacing of 40 meters, the original high-pressure sodium lamp irradiation on the range is very large, but between the two lamps will form part of a "blind", that is not obviously irradiation lamp.

                "The traditional street lamp glass easily broken, the lamp body strong poor durability,and LED street lamp can greatly reduce the cost of repair." According to themanufacturers to provide materials, the