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                The equipment manufacturing industry to technology as the core changed to developed countries
                News Source:TieTong   Date:2014/10/9 14:14:50   Hit:1634
                Small make up to understand, Global trade environment is a qualitative change, will have some developed countries participate in the international division of labor for the global industry chain, the most upstream arena transferred to high-end, advanced equipment manufacturing industry. This makes "Chinese manufacturing" is not only facing with other developing countries to rob business challenges, must also face competition from developed countries. How to upgrade to a powerful manufacturing country from a big manufacturing country, has become "the important problem of supporting economic growth to continue under the new normal".
                It is understood, in 2013 China's equipment manufacturing industry output value of scale exceeded 20 yuan, accounting for the proportion of global equipment manufacturing industry is more than 1/3, the majority of products output ranked first in the world. Among them, generating equipment production accounts for about 60% of the total global; shipbuilding completion volume accounted for 41% of global proportion; automobile production accounted for 25% of global proportion; the proportion of the world machine tool output 38%. from this set of data, China is be worthy of the name of the equipment manufacturing industry big country. However, industry is big but not strong, the ability of independent innovation is weak, the manufacturing level basis behind, low-level repeat construction, independent innovation products application difficulties and other issues still outstanding.
                Chinese must enhance the technological content of the realization of "really high"
                From in recent years Chinese high-end equipment independent research and development results, whether has become an important export High-speed Rail domestic rail equipment, or gradually mature domestic Beidou navigation system, continuous innovation and domestic large aircraft, have proved that China has made overall progress in the high-end equipment technical field.
                But in the areas of offshore oil engineering equipment, robot manufacturing high-end equipment manufacturing, our country and the international advanced level there is still a big gap. Experts said that starting from the current status and trend of Chinese, overall construction equipment manufacturing industry powerful nation, we must deepen the reform, adhere to the "innovation driven, high-end lead, infrastructure support, green development" policy, step by step phased completion of strategic transition from power to the power of the equipment manufacturing industry.
                In view of the equipment manufacturing industry, the Ministry of industry and information technology outlined a "road map" three steps: by 2025, China's equipment manufacturing industry to enter the world the equipment manufacturing industry the second phalanx, some advantages of industry to take the lead in realizing big and strong; to 2035, China's equipment manufacturing industry ranks second in the world square front row, become be worthy of the name of the equipment manufacturing industry power; to 2050, enter the world of the equipment manufacturing industry the first phalanx of Chinese equipment manufacturing industry, has become the global influence of the equipment manufacturing industry powerful nation.
                China enterprises should take the product as the main system to promote the transformation of
                "Equipment manufacturing enterprises should strengthen the development of key technology and equipment, to further promote the construction of technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body, strengthen the 'research' combined with the cultivation of talents." Chang Yi said, in addition to technical innovation, but also pay more attention to management innovation and system innovation. To use the fine management, mining the growth of "Ming" and "potential", improve the production and management of enterprise flexibility and market competitiveness. To work on raw material and energy consumption in the lower. In fact, many enterprises have been aware of this problem, and to products for the carrier to begin transition.
                Experts said, the biggest bright spot of our country is a large intelligent level is high and complete sets of equipment. Coal mining machine weight 165 tons, installed power of 2660 kW, matched with the hydraulic support, scraper conveyor are very large, and realizing the intelligent control of shearer, hydraulic support and transport system.
                According to the story, high-end equipment manufacturing industry "high-end" is mainly manifested in the following three factors: first, with high technical content, for the performance of knowledge, technology intensive, inheritance embodies advanced technology in many fields and subjects; second, in the value chain, with the characteristics of high added value; three, occupies the core position in the the industrial chain, the overall competitiveness of development level decides the industrial chain.
                Small make up think the trend of development of equipment manufacturing industry of each stage in the life cycle of the products, the aspects and elements, namely the manufacturing development trend of the product whole life cycle there are two major characteristics: benefits and user-friendly, this "two" the ultimate manifestation of the service. High end equipment manufacturing industry will inevitably become an important engine to drive the whole equipment manufacturing industry upgrade, has become an important support for the development of strategic emerging industries.